I hate homophobia. It's the stupidest crap on earth, bar none.
Okay so here's the story, around May of 2008 a guy named Grant who goes by the handle Thegayergamer on Xbox Live is forced to change the name because according to Microsoft "the greater Xbox live community finds it offensive" and he's forced to change it. A few weeks later a Mr. Richard Gaywood in the UK finds that his handle, RichardGaywood (not extremely original but, give the guy a break), has also been deemed "offensive" by Microsoft, regardless of the fact that this is his legal name, given at birth. And then, just a few weeks ago (February 26th, 2009) a woman named Teresa had her account suspended and then terminated because she self identified as a lesbian on her profile and she had the audacity to report the harrassment she received as a result to Microsoft. How's that for you?
Pardon my example but:
"Teacher, the kids in class keep calling me names because I said that I was Irish."
"Well, Johnny, that's offensive. I'm going to have to put you in time out now."
I mean seriously, they banned her because she reported harrassment by other gamers. Harrassment that was triggered by her admittance of a personal trait she happens to possess. I mean, I've heard of blaming the victim but this is just ridiculous.
In all honesty, I'm sure it was her fault. She was probably kicking butt on Halo and the little wah-babies couldn't handle it so they started giving her crap when they realized that not only was she not a 14 year old boy but she wasn't a 40 year old man living at home with his mom either. No, she was a woman. So, they zeroed in on the one vulnerability she had and got her ToS'd (that refers to someone being suspended/banned/terminated/etc due to a Terms Of Service violation)
Oh, something worth noting, this guy from the first incident, TheGayerGamer, was banned because his name referenced things of a "sexual nature" and yet his heterosexual counterpart Straightergamer is still living large in the Live community. So is "Tbagger" and "Jewhunter" for that manner. Can you believe the hypocricy? The pure unadulterated bs. I mean, they let some wanna be Nazi jerk off call himself "jewhunter" but they don't let a gay person self identify as homosexual? It's disgusting. Our right to marry has been stripped from us and now apparently our right to be out of the closet is being taken as well. I'm not saying that I hate heterosexual people because, due to their being the majority and all, most of my friends happen to be straight. But, they aren't homophobic. And that is what I really have a problem with. Why do so many people have to be so God awfully homophobic? And why is it so commonplace? So normal. It's practically pc to be a bigoted a-hole these days.
I mean, seriously, example time. If it's not okay to say "Man, that's so black" or "Man, that's so crippled" when referencing something lame or stupid than why is it okay to say "Man, that's so gay" when you don't like something?
And what is up with that "No homo, no homo" crap when guys hug? I mean, seriously?
Do people go around saying "No beaner, no beaner" when they eat tacos? or "No chino, no chino" when they get good grades? or "No n****r, no n*****r" when they commit a crime?
No, because it's offensive. We all know the stereotypes and guess what? Unless you draw attention to the fact that yes you did in fact just hug your guy friend and yeah, you're real worried about him thinking your gay, in fact you might've even popped a boner just now, oh crap you did, better cover it up by saying 'no homo', then chances are he's not going to be thinking about it himself. But, when you start with that "no homo, no homo" crap then guess what? Everyone thinks your gay now. Because if you really have to make sure people don't think your gay then your probably pretty damn gay.
Anyway, rantings aside, I think that the SucksBox Live crap is so completely lame. I'm pretty sure that the number one reason these 3 got singled out really is because they're better gamers than the hacks they were up against because I've been on Xbox Live for a while now with the handle "Home-oh Theater" and no one is pissed about that. But then again, I suck at gaming and I only use the live for Netflix so, I'm not much of a threat to the juvenile delinquents or to the World of Dorkraft losers in their 40's who sit their like total B.A's when they're beating the crap out of pre-teens on Gears of War.
Monday, March 09, 2009
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