Friday, June 05, 2009

ABC about you questions

ABC About You Questions

B - BIRTHDAY: February 21, 1988
C - CRUSHING ON: Tsk tsk, I can't say
E - EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO: Anastasiya...wait...accent
...nervousness. No. Okay, Ouiji and my mommy.
F - FAVORITE SONG: Dear Maria, Count Me In. It gets stuck in my head a lot so I must like it
H - HOMETOWN: Alhambra
I - IN LOVE WITH: ;) No one at the moment. But, I'm interested in someone.
J - JUGGLE: tasks, yes. objects, no.
K - KILLED SOMEONE: Of course, I'm a regular mass video games
L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: 6 hour drive from L.A., CA to Laughlin, NV
O - ONE WISH: Infinite wishes! oh, we can't do that one? Okay, happiness for myself and all those who matter to me
P - PERSON YOU CALLED LAST: Ouiji...she left her charger at my house
R- REASON TO SMILE: My kitties, yes, Anastasiya, that includes you. The biggest kitty I know. :)
S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD: Something by Tangerine Dream. idk.
T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: 6:38 am. Ugh.
V - VEGETABLE(S): tomatoes. Not for the flavor, I hate how they taste. But, I love how scientists know that they are a fruit but are willing to bend the rules and reclassify them because people are too stupid to get the concept of a fruit not being sweet
W- WORST HABIT: Biting my nails
X- X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: Teeth, head, neck, back, both arms, both legs, both ankles, fingers, toes, God, I am so accident prone. It's like watching Good Luck Chuck without the famous people.
Y - YOYOS ARE: fun

Random Questions About You

Spell your name without vowels: Jnnfr lynn hrnrch
Your favorite number: 21 for the moment
What color do you wear most?: it's a tie between black shirts and blue jeans
Least favorite color?: The ugly puke looking shades of green and purple
What are you listening to?:The sounds of the traffic outside, and my cat making chirping noises
Are you happy with your life right now?: Scared, uncertain, excited...but happy
What is your favorite class in school?: Law and Psychology
Who is your best friend: Kathleen originally. These days no one holds "the title" but Ouiji and Anastasiya are the closest friends I have
When do you start back at school/college? Summer
Are you outgoing?: Yes
Favorite pair of shoes?: My Wolverines (steel toed black boots)
Can you dance? I really can but I rarely do
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth?: Yeah, in fact, I once tied two knots in one stem...with onl my tongue.
Can you whistle?: Yeah
Write with both hands?: No
Cross your eyes?: Can't everyone?
Walk with your toes curled?: Yeah, but I don't. It's not good for you.

Do you believe there is life on other planets?: It would be ridiculously selfish and self centered not to
Do you believe in miracles?: Yeah
Do you believe in magic?: Yes, even in the most mundane
Love at first sight?: Not at all. Lust at first sight, definitely, but not love. Love takes time to grow, and it'll spoil if you rush it. Like good cooking. You have to let it simmer for an appropriate time or it won't turn out properly
Do you believe in Satan?: In a sense
Do you believe in Santa? Santa, St. Nicholas or Santa, Kris Kringle?
Do you know how to swim?: Believe it or not, I was on the swim team in high school
Do you like roller coasters?: Yes, a ton
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows?: Hell no

Have you ever been on a plane?: Yeah, it was a 30 minute plane ride though
Have you ever asked someone out?: Once. And, it's one of my new self improvement goals
Have you ever been asked out by someone? Maybe twice in my life...but yes
Have you ever been to the ocean?: Yeah, but not in a long time
Have you ever painted your nails?: Yes, I'm gonna start again too, I think.

What is the temperature outside?: Eh, it's gloomy. Probably cold.
What radio station do you listen to?: God, I haven't listened to the radio in years
What was the last restaurant you ate at?: I don't even remember
What was the last thing you bought?: Cooking supplies for when Anastasiya and Ouiji came for dinner
What was the last thing on TV you watched? The Colbert Report

Who was the last person you IM'd?: Some girl who's also read Chelsea Handler's "Are You There Vodka, It's Me Chelsea"
Who was the last person you took a picture of: I don't remember. But, my computer took one of Anastasiya the other day. Maybe one of my cats? Probably one of my cats, actually
Who was the last person you said I love you to?: Anastasiya. but it was within context. She reminded me of something important that I had forgotten to do.

Ever really cried your heart out?: Yes, recently. Stress can do that to you
Ever cried yourself to sleep?: I don't believe so
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?: Yeah, recently, actually
Ever cried over the opposite sex?: Opposite sex? No. Someone I was into? Yes
Do you cry when you get an injury?: Sometimes
Do certain songs make you cry?: Yes

Are you a happy person?: More so now than ever before since I graduated high school

What is your current hair color?: Current? It never changes...light brown

What shirt are you wearing? My "Hi, I don't care, thanks" shirt Marbella got me for my birthday
Pants: hehehe....none
Shoes: none
Necklaces: None at the moment, gonna put on my "always" heart after I shower, though
Underwear: black...still black...been wearing up all my black undies this week

Favorite eye color: colored (blue/green/hazel) cuz brown is boring
Short or long hair: Long. Long, wavy and blonde or jet black
Height: I prefer shorter, I always end up dating taller. Go figure.

Been to jail: Yeah, actually
Mooned someone: I have, but not in a long time
Thought about suicide: Not in a long, long time
Laughed so hard you cried: No, but I've been asked this a few times, actually
Cried in school: Yup
Thrown up in a store: Probably
Done something really stupid that you still laugh about: Of course, who could say "no" to that?
Seen a dead body: Not a human one, at least...not in person
Been on drugs: Not the hard stuff...alcohol is a drug...Anastasiya says I don't know how to drink. Damn girl drank an entire bottle of Absinthe in one night and was still coherent and no hangover...she must be right
Gone skinny dipping: Not yet, but I will.

Pepsi or Coke: Hahaha...coke...but isn't that illegal? ;) I'm more of a Sprite person, sorry.
McDonald's or Burger King: Ew, neither.
Single or Group Dates: Either. I prefer single dates
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Strawberries or Blueberries: Strawberries.
Meat or Veggies: Meat
TV or Movie: Both
Guitar or Drums: I can play both a little
Adidas or Nike: Adidas
Chinese or Mexican: Food? Um, whatever I'm in the mood for. People? Well, come on, I grew up in Alhambra. Those where my only two options anyway.
Cheerios or Corn Flakes: Oooh, tough call. I don't really like either.

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